Hi my name is Mike. I retired a few years back from a long career in the retail grocery business to build an online business in affiliate marketing. I actually started dabbling in affiliate marketing back in 2010 while I was employed as a meat manager for a large grocery chain. As my skill set grew and my affiliate business started to take off I gradually started moving away from my day job and allocated more time towards building my affiliate business until I finally pulled the plug on my day job and went all in on my affiliate marketing career.
Deciding to leave my day job wasn’t that hard of a decision given the fact that my income had exceeded my day job income two fold, the only question that still needed to be answered was, would affiliate marketing stay a viable income source for years to come? Fast forward through many changes to the affiliate marketing industry and I can confidently say affiliate marketing has continued to be a viable income source and has surpassed my wildest expectations for my income and lifestyle needs.
A Little About Myself
I have lived my whole life in British Columbia Canada. I am married, with three beautiful children and two amazing grandchildren. I have basic grade twelve. I type with one finger and my spelling and punctuation is atrocious. I talk and write using slang, but guess what? I still make lots of money online, so don’t get bummed out if you have been looking into affiliate marketing as your main income source and you feel affiliate marketing may be technically over your head, it’s not!!!
Hobbies & Interests
I love fishing, hiking, pretty well all sports especially soccer. My plan is to take in as many venues as I can when the Fifa world cup comes to North American in 2026 ( as long as they make diving a penalty) can’t handle people rolling around on the ground when replays show they weren’t even hit lol.
I recently bought a new boat and I am looking forward to the upcoming boating season. My wife and I love to explore around where we live on the B.C coast. My wife and I also love travelling extensively, which affiliate marketing allows us to do in comfort. Spending time with our kids and grandkids is a priority for us, which affiliate marketing affords us the time and money to do.
How I Got My Start In Affiliate Marketing
I will be quite honest and say that the grocery business at my level anyways, wasn’t the most lucrative career. I was constantly looking for other ways to supplement my income to support my families needs. I was blessed to have a person come into my life that was making a really impressive income working online, he took me under his wing and showed me the ropes, I have never looked back since that time even considering the fact that I have always been more of a blue collar toll belt toting guy.
I started affiliate marketing way back in 2010 with a website I had created called avoidonlinemarketingscams.com, within a year I was making a pretty nice recurring income, from that point my online business and presence kept growing. Over the years I have created multiple websites that have replaced my first site. My new sites over the years have provided income streams from a multitude of niches for my family.
How I Make Money Online
As I mentioned earlier I am an Affiliate Marketer, don’t let the professional looking handle throw you off, it’s really not a hard way to make money. What I do online is quite simple once you get through the learning curve that comes with learning something new. Let me remind you, for 40 years I was a meat cutter, I looked at computers as if they were an alien species. Working on computers was the furthest thing from what I had imagined would be my best job ever!! I had zero experience online, I literally didn’t know how to send an email when I bought my first laptop to break into affiliate marketing.
What I Promote Online As An Affiliate
I promote almost anything that I feel I can make a buck off of and is ethical. I promote affiliate marketing training programs, affiliate marketing tools, books. I have promoted urban chicken products needed to raise your own roof top chickens, vintage fishing lures, irrigation supplies and weight loss products just to name a few. Every niche I have made income in. Every niche that I have worked in is essentially a carbon copy of other niche sites I have created, basically it’s just a rinse and repeat type of process. Once you have an understanding of how to generate income in any given niche you can quickly duplicate that process for any niche you like.
Skills I have Learned Over The Years
Here is a brief list of skills that I have used over the years in my affiliate business, remember this all started with a guy who didn’t even know how to send an email….
- Content marketing
- email marketing
- website creation
- Pay per click marketing
- Guest writing for blogs
- Youtube and social media advertising
- Attraction Marketing
Don’t be afraid to ask me any questions that you may have. If it wasn’t for my friend taking the time to lend me a hand when I needed one I probably wouldn’t have been so successful online as I am, I am willing and able to pay that knowledge forward. I hope you enjoy Affiliate Marketing Gateway.com, please leave me your thoughts on any article or piece of training on this site and I promise I will get back to you in short order, have a great day, cheers Mike.